Amnis’ Private Equity practice operates three different platforms associated with specific industry sectors that we know and understand through specialization. Through these platforms our philosophy on sustainability and consistency is reflected and we, therefore, rarely deviate from our focus. These platforms invest in a variety of company types and mainly seek out profitable companies in their growth stage. The opportunities we review are aimed to improve our society, planet and quality of life.


Amnis focusses on significant opportunities to provide sustainable renewable energy in emerging markets.

Gradient red background and a close up of a group of pellucid test tubes with dark solution at the surface and colourless inwards

The Life Sciences & Health sector

is important as it directly

improves the quality of

people’s lives.

CNC Laser cutting of metal, modern industrial technology. Small depth of field. Warning - authentic shooting in challenging conditions. A little bit grain and maybe blurred.

Technology and media, especially relating to information and communication, are rapidly changing and shaping the world.