Only through custom proprietary research prior to each potential investment can we gain an advantage. Through experience and research expertise we have developed internal research methodologies that are consistently applied to identigy and study potential investment opportunities.
We aim to achieve consistent results so that we can guarantee attractive returns for our investors. We do strive for exceptional returns but this is secondary to protection of capital and control of risk. Avoiding failure leads to maintained success.
Investor relations
We believe in strong communication with our investors to have them understand our strategies, operations and results. Nothing we do or report must ever come as a surprise and we aim to involve investors throughout our operations. We aim to build growing trust, by underpromising and over-delivering. We frequently and accurately report our results and achievements without making excuses for losses or taking credit for serendipitous gains. In investor relations we aim to make sure to meet investors’ needs and strengthen our relationships over time.
Throughout our operations we aim to put the needs and interests of our investors ahead of our own and we aim to treat all our investors equally in this regard. Through communication and transparency we pay strict attention to potential conflicts of interests, avoiding them or dealing with them fairly and discretely whenever they arise.
Human Resources
Our HR policy is well defined ant our personnel is dedicated to meeting and exceeding our investors’ expectations. We believe in long-term career paths for our people and help them thrive in an amicable workplace with a strong positive spirit of cooperation. Our personnel shares in our success by means of firm-wide profit participation.
We believe in fair remuneration for our value added through management and investing acitivities. Arrangements regarding management fees are aimed at motivating us to serve our investors’ interests to the best of our abilities. Our fee arrangement are fair and each account of comparable size is charged comparable fees for our services. Remnuration is fair and agreed upon explicitly.
Shared Success
Success comes from excellence in investing and consistent performance. At Amnis we do this for the benefit of our investors, but also for our owners and our personnel. We believe in sharing this success, but only after realizing guarenteed returns. Amnis’ earning grow only if we achieve above average and consistent success.